On October 31st 2006 our son Eric, was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Like many children with ASD, Eric developed as a typical child until the age of 2 ½ when his speech, social interaction and behaviors started to regress rapidly. About a year after Eric’s diagnosis we made the decision to move the family back to Ohio, from Florida, to be close to family and more prevalent Autism resources. Upon returning home we found ourselves becoming more involved in the Autism Community in Northeast Ohio.
Our desire to see the funds that we and those around us were helping to raise more directly impact persons living and dealing with ASD everyday lead us to start “Party For The Puzzle.”
Why a Puzzle?
The puzzle piece logo tells us something about autism: our children are affected by a puzzling condition; this isolates them from normal human contact and therefore they do not 'fit in'.” The interlocking, mutli-colored puzzle piece has become the international symbol of autism. Its significance has become multi-faceted. For some it represents the mystery and complexity of the disorder, for others it represents the mechanical nature of an autistics persons thought process.
Why a "Party”?
While we are very serious about increasing the public knowledge of the effects of Autism and supporting all persons dealing with the disorder, the “Party” represents our fun loving personalities and the joy you have to take from all the victories, even the small ones, when dealing with this disorder.